
Refund and Cancellation

By using Bot-AI.Chat, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the Refund and Cancellation Policy and agree to abide by its terms. Bot-AI.Chat reserves the right to modify this policy at any time without prior notice. Users are responsible for reviewing the policy periodically for any updates or changes.

  1. User-initiated Cancellations: Users may cancel their subscription or services with Bot-AI.Chat at any time. To initiate a cancellation, users must follow the cancellation process outlined on the Bot-AI.Chat platform.

  2. Refund Policy: Bot-AI.Chat does not offer refunds for the services provided, and counsume done in th eAI plataforms. Users are responsible for understanding this policy before subscribing to any paid plans or services.

  3. Cancellation Process: To cancel a subscription or service, users must follow the cancellation instructions provided on the Bot-AI.Chat platform. Cancellations are effective immediately upon completion of the cancellation process.

  4. No Pro-rated Refunds: Bot-AI.Chat does not provide pro-rated refunds for the unused portion of any subscription or service. The user will continue to have access to the subscribed services until the end of the billing period.

  5. Termination by Bot-AI.Chat: Bot-AI.Chat reserves the right to terminate or suspend services to any user at its discretion, without prior notice, for any violation of the Terms of Conditions or any other policies governing the use of the service.

  6. Effect of Termination: Upon termination, users will lose access to the services immediately, and Bot-AI.Chat will not be liable for any loss of data or information.

  7. Contact Information: For any questions or concerns regarding cancellations or refunds, users can contact Bot-AI.Chat customer support at